The Tringle Gazelle

The "Best" Fake News in the Business

Actually Readable Version (👎)

What is The Tringle Gazelle?

The Tringle Gazelle is an amazing satire newspaper created by pro journalists Mole and Chole that provides its subscribers with fantastic stories and beautiful images such as the one(s) you are viewing right now.

You can subscribe to The Tringle Gazelle by emailing or access the full archive by scrolling down.

Guest Articles, Complaints, Etc.

The Tringle Gazelle happily accepts guest-written articles, legally obtained art pieces, questions for our Ask Cat Elizabeth column and otherwise, and complaints regarding our "hideous" website, "eye-killing" images, and "exceedingly questionable" choices of witnesses and evidence to back up our claims. Any of these can be submitted to us directly at or written out on paper and delivered to us via carrier pigeon.

(From people we actually know)

🦞  Featured issues:  🦞

Our Best Work 😀👍

The Tringle Gazelle Issue 11
The Tringle Gazelle Issue 18
The Tringle Gazelle Issue 22
The Tringle Gazelle Issue 26
The Tringle Gazelle Issue 33

The Archive

Every Issue So Far

You can search for articles in the top right corner of the site with the issue number or key words.

(Make sure to click on the section, not the "Regular Version" page.)

Section 1 (Issues 1 - 11)

Issue 1 : Harriet Potter gets turned into a cup for a hundred years

Issue 2: The story of Devin Billiams: the world's smartest hobo

Issue 3: The truth behind Sale Kane's color blindness, and a new discovery from Devin Billiams

Issue 4 : Squeeble Mc. Hashy puts ice cream in his pocket, and Cat Elizabeth answers questions

Issue 5 : An exclusive interview with artist Pablo Gogh, and a strange man seen with Cat Elizabeth

Issue 6: Bob Ross-worshiping "Treestians" invade Canada, and an obituary for Soda Popinski

Issue 7 : The truth about Sale Kane's wife, and a worldwide infection of cat spores

Issue 8 : A wild thirsty glitter man found drinking pomegranate juice

Issue 9 : Wacky Bobert and Country Steve commit tax fraud, and we interview Devin Billiams again

Issue 10: Bertrude's face surgeon uncovers Peepy and a copy of How to Be an Evil Psychopath

Issue 11 : An interview with Tringle Man, Kumquat's latest endeavors, and Cat Elizabeth's life story

Section 2 (Issues 12 - 22)

Issue 12: An evil shapeshifting waitress found, and an emoji interview with Cat Elizabeth

Issue 13: An anime weirdo (supposedly named "Rick") looses his money, and Sale Kane is exposed again

Issue 14: The Pebble dies in a monkey bar tournament and we interview a witness

Issue 15: Sale Kane is exposed once more, and Cat Elizabeth's full makeup routine

Issue 16: The best ways to contact Grímës and Elon Musle, and an exceedingly large sturgeon

Issue 17: Shrek and Gerald Whey lick sleeping people, and Humfree provides Polish television to the world

Issue 18: Hello Kitty finally gets a mouth (and a lot of noses), with an interview from "Feline Trussle"

Issue 19: Cat Elizabeth enters a horse riding competition

Issue 20: A strange chicken man goes around trashing KFCs and birthday parties

Issue 21: The full backstory of Thing from Wednesday, including what happened to Wednesday's third arm

Issue 22: How the Grinch stole Christmas . . . and all of Whoville, along with some other Christmas crimes

Section 3 (Issues 23 - 33)

Issue 23: Geckos charged with causing cat disappearances, and Tony dies a jinxed death

Issue 24: Two mystery children and Cat Elizabeth kidnap people and use them as reindeer

Issue 25: A therapist decapitates Edward Cullen and frames someone, and Soo Rin Kim Gujurat sings a song

Issue 26: Sheerlop Bingleton's life story, including sourtoe cocktails and an overdose on glitter glue, and OMitB

Issue 27: The sudden appearance of Camooda: a new country on Mars

Issue 28: Grímës charged with identical rhyming, and "terrorist" pours milk in kids' drinks

Issue 29: #ilovejesustownville, Iowa invaded by a strange face (Big Timmy part 1)

Issue 30: A child's absurdly long name that definitely isn't a filler article

Issue 31: Big Timmy writes "The Triangle Gazette" about us, and Ask Cat Elizabeth (Big Timmy part 2)

Issue 32: Keanoo Greaves dies in Ides of March performance, and KD Tungsten's indigestion is revealed

Issue 33: The full backstory of Grímës, Elon Musle, and Morfyddd Clack

Section 4 (Issues 34 - 44)

Issue 34: Grímës found cheating on Morfyddd Clack with Jeena Ortego's face and tongue

Issue 35: Chris P.'s story, including her tragic death and love of Shrek

Issue 36: A child sold in a garage sale as a "mystery box" and startled awake in the process

Issue 37: The world's smartest hobo, Devin Billiams, starts gambling, and glasses declared as a self defense tool

Issue 38: Definitely Biff Jerky's blue applesauce conspiracy theory, with no cliffhangers or spoon crimes at all

Issue 39: Humfree Milumfree and Cheryl Reddick cause a worldwide German music scandal

Issue 40Grímës and Elon have another child, and the Tringle gets a new bestie

Issue 41: Stefan Queen dies at Quobert's hands and Cat Elizabeth answers some questions

Issue 42: A purple squirrel apocalypse, and two extra Grímëses discovered

Issue 43: Petey the Goblin Shark marries Ñina Haggis on the Geriatric Batcheloret, and Cat Elizabeth arrested

Issue 44: Lizzie Frack arrested for murdering squirrels

Section 5 (Issues 45+)

Issue 45: Beware of nicknames, and lobsters take over the world

Issue 46: Johnny McRatterson campaigns for Canada, and Tailor Slow is kidnapped

More coming soon